Friday, October 19, 2007

Ava's Great Great Grandma

I was just thinking about the generations of Stockman's.
As I was thinking about Ava's birth I thought of my Grandma
Stockman. She was a wonderful Grandmother, smart, talented
and had a very out going happy personality. She sure was a lot of fun.
I know she prayed for all of us all the time and she would be thrilled to know
of all the Christians that are in her family.
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Finally, the finish was fast but the waiting slow

Grant and I traveled to north to await our 2nd granddaughter's arrival. As we waited we enjoyed seeing the other relatives: Suzanne, Kelly, Chrissy & Dave, Sasha (due in December), BJ & Kate. Finally, Ava Eden, our newest Stockman, arrived on Sat. Oct. 13 @3:13 PM. She had kept her mommie, daddie, grandparents, and other friends and relatives waiting for 4 days. God timing was prefect as Grant and I were getting ready to pack on Sat. when Jenn excused herself and 10 minutes later Justin said she was having contractions. Kylie Noel, her older sister, 19+ months, is not sure what to think. One day, Kylie will love her sister, just like I do my sisters by blood and law. :0)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Well, Dad, I could not resist this is one of my all time favorites. This is Papa, alias Boompa in
Mazatlan, Mexico. I looked out of the window of our room and saw him down visiting with all of the people by the pool. I had to run downstairs and get this picture because I thought he looked Pretty Cool, awesome, sweet, debonair or whatever word your generation uses.
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Go Go & Suzanne

Well, here is a picture of the beautiful, Pauline
With, Suzanne, I really love this picture.
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Friday, October 12, 2007

Off to The Pleasures of God Conference

My wife and I are headed to Sacramento, CA., to attend a regional Desiring God conference with John Piper. We are looking forward to spending some time with one another, with friends, and under the preaching of Pastor Piper.

Here is a radical quote from his acclaimed book (and the title of the conference): The Pleasures of God:
"We need to see first and foremost that God is God--that he is perfect and complete in himself, that he is overflowingly happy in the eternal fellowship of the Trinity, and that he does not need us to complete his fullness and is not deficient without us. Rather we are deficient without him; the all-sufficient glory of God, freely given in fellowship through his sacrificed Son, is the stream of living water that we have thirsted for all our lives.

Unless we begin with God in this way, when the gospel comes to us, we will inevitably put ourselves at the center of it. We will feel that our value rather than God's value is the driving force of the gospel. We will trace the gospel back to God's need for us instead of tracing it back to the sovereign grace that rescues sinners who need God." (p. 22, 2000 edition)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Four Generations

This is a picture of four generations of Suzanne's side of the Stockman Brood. I was really glad that it turned out well. I cannot believe it was taken a little over a year ago. I guess my Mom was right when she always told me the older you get time flies.

As you can tell it is at Elisha and Mac's wedding. There is Elisha, her Mom Kelly, Grandmother Mamoo, actually Suzanne but on this side of the family my name is Mamoo, Great Grandmother, Go Go who is actually, Pauline. As you can tell on this branch of the Stockman Brood we get a little whacky with names.
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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sunrises & My Bride

One tradition Kate and I have started is that on our anniversary we get up early and view a sunrise on the top of Monument. It is a time of being together mingled with prayer and reflection, as we start a new day, indeed a new year of renewed commitment and love for one another before God.

I am so thankful for the bride God has given me and that at each sunrise (sometimes before and sometimes after) I get to awake to the sound of her breathing beside me and begin another day with God's gift to me.

I love you Kate!