Thursday, October 18, 2007

Finally, the finish was fast but the waiting slow

Grant and I traveled to north to await our 2nd granddaughter's arrival. As we waited we enjoyed seeing the other relatives: Suzanne, Kelly, Chrissy & Dave, Sasha (due in December), BJ & Kate. Finally, Ava Eden, our newest Stockman, arrived on Sat. Oct. 13 @3:13 PM. She had kept her mommie, daddie, grandparents, and other friends and relatives waiting for 4 days. God timing was prefect as Grant and I were getting ready to pack on Sat. when Jenn excused herself and 10 minutes later Justin said she was having contractions. Kylie Noel, her older sister, 19+ months, is not sure what to think. One day, Kylie will love her sister, just like I do my sisters by blood and law. :0)


Pauline said...

love seeing the pictures, and share in your happy time being there Love Gogo

Suz said...

YEA!, what cuties. Great picture of you Grant, also. We are so GLAD that you both got to be here!! What a close call.
Wow, another new Stockman the brood just keeps growing and growing, thank you, Lord.

Kathleen said...

Hi my fellow Stockman's another beautiful Stockman GIRL starting with Suzanne and now all the way down to Ava good work every one. Grant you look great with your new Granddaughter you are so blessed I am thrilled for all of you. And me too I like being a great Aunt. Love to all. Kath