A brood as defined in Webster's is first listed as a noun ( person, place, or thing).
1.the offspring, or a family of offspring 2. all the children in a family 3. a group of a particular breed or kind
Since we're all offspring and of a family, the first definition fits. The 2nd definition fits comfortably too, as all the children in the family are included. The third noun means a group of a particular kind---hence Stockman's.
The verb (action) definition intrigued me more. To brood means to sit on and hatch, to hover over or protect, and finally to worry over.
All parents of offspring have committed these three actions. Though literally we didn't hatch them as fowl do, we have been known to sit on them figuratively. Both Grant & I hovered over and protected our sons as they grew mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. We also worried about them. They in turn will do the same for their offspring. Other creatures do the same.
Watching the March of the Penguins recently showed me so vividly & beautifully how father penguins hover over their unhatched offspring. The egg rest on top of their feet with their warm bodies covering it. The fathers huddle together protecting the eggs from the elements. They do this for a long period of time until the egg hatches.
Our Creator designed us to brood and I don't mean the negative type of brooding the means to ponder in a troubled or morbid way. God, the Father is our Protector, like the father penguin, He covers us with his feathers and under his wings I trust(Psalms 91:4). He broods over us. He never slumbers or sleeps. He waits patiently of us to find safety under his wings. We can trust Him to do His job. It's comforting to know that my Father is there for me.
I'm thankful for my earthly father, Jim, who was my protector, worrier, & hoverer. May my sons be amazing brooders as they raise their young and show their offspring the fine art of brooding.
